Premium sheepskin liner and a happy baby

Why do you recommend lambskin fur liners?

We do bleat on about it -the benefits of sheepskin and in particular lambskin liners in the pram. On your search for a pram liner your top two thoughts are keeping your baby comfortable and keeping your pram clean. Sheepskin pram liners can offer so much more than that as well – luxurious but practical too, lets share some of the reasons we think lambskin fur liners are just the best.

 So the primary reason a parent chooses to buy a pram liner is comfort. With lots of new city prams perfect for on the go the compromise can be a layer of padding. Sheepskin is uniquely well-suited to making baby comfortable as a result of its dense pile. This redistributes your little one’s weight evenly and provides more support than other synthetic materials. Babies are able to snuggle into their liners for comfort and sheepskin is renowned for helping babies sleep. Screaming pram journeys transformed and a calming stroll outdoors with a happy baby – its surprising how many parents talk to us about this sort of transformation

In addition, sheepskin is rich in lanolin, which moisturises the skin and stops abrasion. Increased comfort reduces the chances of your little one becoming restless and makes them enjoy their time in the pushchair more – a little extra shopping/coffee/cocktail time for parents.

 Babies in sheepskin pram liners remain comfortable all year round as a result of its temperature regulating properties. Not only is lambskin breathable, but it keeps babies warm in winter and cooler in the summer. This is especially practical for little ones who are not yet able to regulate their own temperatures effectively. Sheepskin fibres wick away moisture, preventing your baby from becoming sweaty and uncomfortable in the pram. So you don’t need to worry about removing the pram liner in the summer or finding an alternative – sheepskin is naturally perfect all year round

Oh yes it really is practical too? You might have looked at those milk and honey sheepskin pram liners and worried about keeping them clean. Most dirt can be brushed out with a wire brush, and when this doesn’t work, sheepskin can be spot cleaned with water and a damp sponge. Its natural antimicrobial qualities mean that it requires infrequent washing – and most prams fold with the sheepskin liner still in place.

 If you are searching for a natural and sustainable pushchair liner, lambskin might just be the perfect fit! Our lambskin liners are entirely chrome free and use only vegetable dyes. Sheepskin is a by-product of the meat industry (sheepskins that would otherwise be destroyed ) – and liners make use of a beneficial and natural resource. In addition, sheepskin lasts many years and is incredibly durable. Once you are finished with your sheepskin, you can pass it on to a friend or family member. Alternatively, when disposed of, it biodegrades alone, leaving no harmful chemicals behind.

 Ooh - a final note on a luxury look and feel. Merino wool is a premium and luxurious product, and parents who want an extra touch of luxury can opt for a long-haired sheepskin liner. Lambskin comes in natural colours, giving it a timeless look and giving it an edge over fast fashion trends in terms of both quality and sustainability. Make sure you look out for sheepskin liners with medical tanning and without any stitching or seams in there for pure luxury.

 If you’d like to hear more about what parents love about sheepskin pram liners, click here to see the independent reviews of our Sheepskin Pram Style Liners by Mother & Baby for their Best Travel Product award. If there’s any more information you need, don’t hesitate to reach out to us